madVR - high quality video renderer (GPU assisted) - Page 1955 (2025)


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Originally Posted by x7007

I'll make as soon as I'm at work

It's weird. When I'm in Windowed mode and focused on the potplayer window it lowers the Queues . When I'm not in focus it goes back to full .... LoL madVR - high quality video renderer (GPU assisted) - Page 1955 (2)

Every time I click outside the video on desktop or something else and back on the video, the Queue changes and goes back again. After I did it couple of times the Queue are actually fine now. but it still changes to low - bad to high - good if I keep clicking like before.

madVR - high quality video renderer (GPU assisted) - Page 1955 (3)

madVR - high quality video renderer (GPU assisted) - Page 1955 (4)

Strange. But why is your display refresh rate sometimes listed as 80Hz and sometimes as 100Hz? In any case, high refresh rates and windowed mode can prove to be problematic. Usually fullscreen exclusive mode works best for such cases.


Originally Posted by leeperry

OK fair enough, what would you expect to see from screenshots then? Obviously AB will make the picture softer so I'm not sure what would change your mind

As explained before, I currently think that AB just decreases the SuperRes strength and does not do anything else (other than maybe add even more artifacts). So I'd need to see some evidence that AB does something more (something positive) than just decrease SuperRes strength.

Which means comparison screenshots between SuperRes strength 2 with and without AB are not very useful because one will be much softer than the other. So which one is better? It's impossible to judge. The only proper comparison can be to try to create 2 screenshots which have a roughly similar sharpness, where 1 screenshot achieves that with a higher SuperRes strength and AB turned on, while the other uses a lower SuperRes strength with AB turned off. If in this situation the SuperRes+AB screenshots looks objectively better, that would count as evidence for the usefulness of AB.


Originally Posted by Ver Greeneyes

Tried the camp demo, still think 25% luminance reduction and 75% saturation looks best. On the tents in the dark it's hard to choose between 25/75 and 50/50 though. I felt like 25/75 left the red tent a bit too bright, and 50/50 darkened it a bit too much. 33.3/66.7 might be a good compromise for that particular scene. 100/0 is right out by the way, causes awful banding on the sun at the beginning of the scene.

Edit: Oh, I should mention I tested this using 120 nits for the display luminance to match my calibration, but 120 nits might still be overbrightening things. 180 nits looks less washed out, though it's hard to say what the 'right' brightness should be.

FWIW, I don't like the way 120 nits looks, at least with some HDR demos (like Life of Pie). I wouldn't go under 180 nits, maybe I'd even try to avoid 180 nits, regardless of how dim your display really measures.

Just my 2 cents, of course.


Originally Posted by zoyd

0% was best for this case and not much difference with 25% but started losing detail by 50%. pm'd about clip.


Originally Posted by ShiftyFella

did quick test

sony camp:
100% luminance 0% saturation:
0% luminance 100% saturation:

chess demo:

100% Luminance 0% saturation:
0% luminance 100% saturation:

100% Luminance 0% saturation:
0% luminance 100% saturation:

To my eyes camp looked better with 100% luminance but for chess demo it was exact opposite and only 100% saturation looked like it should. I think even with 'looked best' option it's still not quite ideal and i can see in some places of the image where other options work better but rest of the picture looks wrong with them. I'm happy that we have options for now

FWIW, the next madVR build will have a different tone mapping algorithm, a slightly improved luminance vs saturation formula, and it will do gamut roll-off instead of clipping. So basically we will need to re-evaluate everything.


Originally Posted by Warner306

What does this option do?

Instead of setting black level output to 16, you can set it to e.g. 16.25. Sounds weird. But with 10bit output this would be 65 instead of 64, so it does make sense. I thought about moving the control to 10bit. But most people would be confused with having a 64 value for black. So I decided to stick with 16/235, but allow fractions for 10bit support.


Originally Posted by Warner306

Can you also define this?

This is rather complicated, it was discussed in great depth in the last couple of pages.

Basically after tone mapping some pixels might be both too saturated and too bright, thus making them "out of gamut". The question is how to move them "in gamut"? We can either reduce luminance or saturation or both.


Originally Posted by Ver Greeneyes

Maybe banding was the wrong word, but the sun looks odd to me with 100% luminance reduction.

Yeah well, that's why I originally did 100% saturation reduction and 0% luminance reduction, because if you have a picture element which is supposed to have a smooth luminance curve with different colors/saturations, if you then reduce luminance only for some colors, suddenly the luminance curve gets broken up, which will then introduce these kind of artifacts. In this case reducing saturation instead of luminance would be much better. Unfortunately there are other situations where it's the other way round. I don't think it's possible to perfectly solve all this without a very complicated algorithm which analyzes the neighbor pixels to find out whether reducing saturation or luminance would do more/less damage to the overall image composition. Which is not an algorithm I'm planning to write (too power hungry).


Originally Posted by Uoppi

Seems like this is what was causing the higher rendering times on versions after .20, at least in my case that is.

Any chance the old upscale refinement procedure could return as a trade quality for performance option (if there's a meaningful reason for that PQ-wise in the first place)?

If you don't like the current behaviour, you can manually turn upscaling refinement off for this specific situation by using profiles. It's not possible to use profiles the other way round, so it's probably better to leave things as they are right now.


Originally Posted by QBhd

I have a couple of observations to report. First, the "ShowRenderSteps" trick is very cool, would be nice if the list continued in a second column so we can see everything, but it is what it is. Second, the "ShowRenderSteps" is actually more demanding than regular OSD... pushes my 720p profile way over the edge, more than likely due the many more lines of info that need to be drawn, again it is what it is and not a big deal.

The font will be smaller in the next madVR build, if you activate the "ShowRenderSteps" tweak. Drawing those additional lines doesn't cost anything, really, in terms of GPU performance. But in order to measure the performance of each render step, I need to do a full GPU flush and wait for each render step. That's what's causing the performance drop.


Originally Posted by QBhd

2) SSIM Downscaling is NOT being used in version 0.90.23 and this is very noticeable, Bicubic150 AR is OK, but I truly do prefer SSIM2D-100 w/AR-Relaxed

1D SSIM downscaling never activated if you didn't downscale both X and Y at the same time. 2D SSIM downscaling did activate, but made problems. So I intentionally made 2D behave the same way as 1D: Which means it no longer gets activated if you only downscale in 1 axis.


Originally Posted by leeperry

IIRC the relaxed/strict subsetting for downscaling AR doesn't do anything with SSIM?

Correct. SSIM always uses "strict", IIRC. The only disadvantage of "strict" is that it's softer. Which doesn't apply when using SSIM. Hence it makes sense to use "strict" for SSIM. Less ringing artifacts. No loss in sharpness. Win win.


Originally Posted by Mano

Hi madshi, are you still using AMD card? If yes what driver version are you using?

I have an AMD, NVidia *and* Intel GPU in my development PC. I don't remember the driver version right now.


Originally Posted by AntonP

in 3D i cant set 24Hz in madvr - 23p mode switches on automaticaly.... how can i set 24p in 3D?

Do you actually have a 24.000 *3D* movie? I know some 2D movies are 24.000. But all 3D movies I've come across yet where 23.976 so far.


Originally Posted by AntonP

2. artefacts in 3D mode in some scenes (every time in same moment). red car on screenshot is example of it. in powerdvd 16 all is ok, so its not BD3D problem. I think its decoder's problem, but not sure. how to fix this bug?

Might be a good idea to ask nevcairiel about this in the LAV thread. If it's a bug in the Intel decoder there might not be anything he can do about it, though.


Originally Posted by robl45

So I got 3d MVC to work great with MPC-HC and madvr using MVC MKV. However the subtitles are flat. Is there anyway to fix that? It appears its only showing one of the two subtitles needed for depth.

Which subtitle renderer? Which kind of subtitles?


Originally Posted by strumf666

Can madvr work in "portable mode"?

Portable or not doesn't matter to madVR. The media player is the key. E.g. JRiver MC loads madVR from a subfolder without registering it and it works just fine. Also the madTPG test pattern generator loads madVR without needing it to be registered.

The key problem to solve is that the media player must somehow locate madVR, and usually that's done through the DirectShow mechanism, which works through the registry. That's why madVR usually needs to be "installed" (registered in the registry).

However, if the media player is able to locate the madVR in some other way (e.g. look in some specific path, or maybe in a subfolder with a specific name) then madVR doesn't need to be registered.

So basically, this is something you need to ask the media player devs, not me.


Originally Posted by headbig

If I enable stereo3D in GPU config (GTX1070), then play a 3D movie, works fine.
After quit player, go back player another, no 3D.
Went to GPU config, stereo3D is no longer sticky.

I think there is some configuration item in Madvr can manage this, but I have tried all items under render/3D, no luck. It sounds everything I play a 3D movie, I need to visit GPU's configuration panel to enable stero3D there first...

There's an option "when playing 3d content... enable os stereo 3d support for all displays". If you enable this, madVR should automatically enable the stereo3D option in the GPU control panel. At least it works for my NVidia GPU on my dev PC.


Originally Posted by amayra

I came across a odd problem while I was reset madvr after i actived Error Diffusion or CTRL+J renderer stats and media player start flickering
and when i Direct3D 11 for presentation alone media player start flickering

Some Intel users seem to have problems with that. I haven't been able to reproduce it yet, unfortunately. You may have to stick to D3D9 and ordered dithering for now.

madVR - high quality video renderer (GPU assisted) - Page 1955 (2025)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.