Michael Chain (Anime) (2025)

This article is about the Anime Universe Michael Chain. For his Main Universe counterpart, see Michael Chain.

Michael Chain (Anime) (1)
All content on this page pertains only to the F-Zero Legend of Falcon anime and its related content, which all take place in a separate universe unrelated to Mainverse F-Zero. Names and some elements are only borrowed, but are not the same characters, locations, timeline, etc as Mainverse.

Michael Chain is the pilot of the Wild Boar, and is the leader of the Bloody Chain (Space Racer Clan in the 4Kids English Dub).


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 F-Zero Farukon Densetsu (Anime)
      • 1.1.1 2201
      • 1.1.2 2202
  • 2 F-Zero GP Legend (GBA game)
  • 3 F-Zero Climax
  • 4 Gallery
  • 5 References


F-Zero Farukon Densetsu (Anime)[]


Michael Chain (Anime) (2)

Michael Chain's fellow gang members make various appearances throughout the anime, but Michael officially debuted in Lap 7. He was responsible for the missing F-Zero pilots who had been kidnapped, and had Truecome work for him by using his girlfriend, Dream, as blackmail.

Though he escaped arrest from the Galaxy Police, it would not be the last time he was seen.


Michael Chain (Anime) (3)

Michael had appeared once again, attempting to lure Jack Levin out by posing as Jack's former street thug persona, The Shinigami. He was also in contact with Dark Million's Baba, with the possible chance of working with Zoda. Though Jack had confronted Michael prior, the two raced and fought one another before reaching a dead end.

Although Michael and his gang, along with Baba, were arrested, he and Baba appeared amongst Dark Million's ranks just a few episodes later during Lap 43.

F-Zero GP Legend (GBA game)[]

Michael Chain (Anime) (4)

In the F-Zero GP Legend GBA game, Michael is a playable character with his machine, the Wild Boar. He is not a main Story Mode character, but he is part of Jody Summer's story.

F-Zero Climax[]

F-Zero Climax
Michael Chain (Anime) (5)Michael Chain (JP): 宇宙暴走族「ブラディーチェーン」のヘッドで、数年前は何万人と言う部下をほこっていた。


Michael Chain (English Translation): Up until few years ago, he headed up a space gang called the "Bloody Chain" with tens of thousands of subordinates. He entered the F-Zero Grand Prix to showcase his skills and represent his crew. However, rather than increasing membership, entering has actually made members start to leave.


Michael in Lap 7.

Michael arriving in the Wild Boar to meet with Truecome during the latter's flashback in Lap 7.

Michael after stepping out of the Wild Boar in the flashback.

Michael making use of his chain during Lap 7.

Michael making his escape towards the end of Lap 7.

Michael's cameo appearance during Lap 16.

Michael as The Shinigami in Lap 37.

Michael as The Shinigami, talking with Baba in Lap 37.

Michael in Lap 37.

Michael and the rest of the Bloody Chain getting arrested along with Baba during Lap 37.

Anime eyecatch.

GP Legend sprite.

Climax sprite.

A reference sheet of Michael Chain from the Falcon Densetsu DVD.


  1. F-Zero Climax in-game Profiles
Anime Universe Content
Animeverse Lore - Animeverse Timeline - F-Zero Farukon Densetsu / F-Zero Legend Of Falcon / F-Zero GP Legend (Anime) - F-Zero GP Legend (Game) - F-Zero Climax - F-Zero Farukon Densetsu Grade School (Manga)
Anime Universe Characters
Ryu Suzaku - Clank Hughes - Mighty Gazelle (Anime) - Jody Summer (Anime) - Dr. Stewart (Anime) - Baba (Anime) - Samurai Goroh (Anime) - Pico (Anime) - Captain Falcon (Anime) - Octoman (Anime) - Mr. EAD (Anime) - James McCloud (Anime) - Billy (Anime) - Kate Alen (Anime) - Zoda (Anime) - Jack Levin (Anime) - Bio Rex (Anime) - The Skull (Anime) - Antonio Guster (Anime) - Beastman (Anime) - Leon (Anime) - Super Arrow (Anime) - Mrs. Arrow (Anime) - - Silver Neelsen (Anime) - Michael Chain (Anime) - Blood Falcon (Anime) - John Tanaka (Anime) - Draq (Anime) - Roger Buster (Anime) - Dr. Clash (Anime) - Black Shadow (Anime) - Don Genie (Anime) - Deathborn (Anime) - Lucy Liberty - Misaki Haruka (Miss Killer) - Lisa Brilliant - Dark Soldier - Berserker - Mr. Zero (Anime) - Minor Characters
Anime Universe Machines
Dragon Bird (GT) - Red Gazelle - White Cat - Golden Fox - Iron Tiger - Fire Stingray - Wild Goose - Blue Falcon (GT) - Deep Claw - Great Star - Little Wyvern - Mad Wolf - Super Piranha - Death Anchor (Hyper Death Anchor) - Astro Robin - Big Fang - Sonic Phantom - Green Panther - Hyper Speeder - Space Angler - King Meteor - Queen Meteor - Twin Noritta - Night Thunder - Wild Boar - Blood Hawk - Wonder Wasp - Mighty Typhoon - Mighty Hurricane - Crazy Bear - Black Bull - Elegance Liberty - Moon Shadow - Panzer Emerald - Soldier Anchor - Red Bull
Anime Universe F-Zero Locations, Planets, & Venues
List of Anime Universe F-Zero Locations - List of Anime Universe F-Zero Planets - List of Anime Universe F-Zero Venues
Michael Chain (Anime) (2025)


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